If i could be prime minister for a day i would make a rule that all jobs have to get payed at least a thousand or more so they have enough money to pay their rent and to buy food for their families and to have money for the workers to spend for them self for working hard.
If i could be prime minister for a day i would make all the houses look different not similar like fenchurch and torrington and i would not make house connected because kids need space to play and because people may not sleep because of the noise that is happening next door.
If i could be a prime minister for a day i would pay people to help out the homeless people.If i could be prime minister for a day i would send food and water to afghanistan and send soccer balls more.If i could be prime minister for a day i would buy a big as house for jamaine,isacc,owen,danny and myself.in our house it would have a 5 bedrooms one each and a spare room for guest and it would have a pool and a basketball court.